The Spirit of Babylon and How It’s Affecting Generations

As we transition into the Book of Daniel, we are reminded of the interesting way Peter closes out his letter. 1 Peter 5:12-13 reads,  “As I’ve briefly written to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God, stand firm and she who is at Babylon, who likewise is chosen, sends you a greeting.” Two words at the closeout of this letter stand out and make those who read these passages wonder who is the “she” Peter is referring to. And where is Babylon? 

The Answer: She refers to the Church of Jesus Christ. Babylon refers to the Roman Empire.

Those last two verses provide a gateway into Daniel by reflecting on the once influential city of Ancient Babylon that sat at the center of Eastern civilization for about 1500 years. In the days of Daniel, the Babylonian empire was a national powerhouse, the strongest of its kind. When reading the Bible, we will see that since its inception, Babylon was a society that always stood up in opposition to God and God’s people. When Peter writes his letter, it is 500 years after the Book of  Daniel and Babylon no longer exists. 

So, why does Peter refer to Babylon in his letter?

The Spirit of Babylon Still Stands Though the Empire Fell

Peter uses Babylon to describe the Roman Empire because, throughout the Bible, Babylon becomes a stereotype or an illustration of someone or something that carries a spirit against God and his people. This spirit has stood the test of time through every generation, every culture, and every nation. It is the same spirit that was at work in the days of Noah and led to the Roman oppression and the crucifixion of Jesus. If you look at more recent history, it is the spirit that was behind generational leaders like Hitler and Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and terrorist leaders like Osama bin Laden. 

This spirit of Babylon continues to be behind wars that exist right now, in front of our eyes, like Iran, Israel, and Palestine. It’s not just out there somewhere—it exists with us here today. It is in our religious extremists, fundamentalists, or drug cartels. It is in our human trafficking and social media trends. Consider this: can we say these things become trends just because people like them? 

One could argue that this spirit is behind the perversion of the educational system, the corruption of the entertainment industry, and financial institutions. It can be behind corruption, consumerism culture, and specific activist movements. The spirit leads to church division among split denominations, civil wars, and corrupt pastors. 

How to Be Prepared

We must take the time to use the words spoken by the Apostle Paul when he says in Ephesians 2:1-2, “You and I once dead in our sins and trespass is in which toy once walked, following the course of this world, following the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.” 

Peter writes about Babylon to remind us of the spirit that is moving against us as followers of Christ. It’s a warning to stay aware and prepared. It all starts with being armed with the word of God.


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