The Point of David vs. Goliath
As we face battlefields in life, the point of this amazing story is not that our striving to find faith in God will deliver us. The point is that God already has delivered us.
The Most Remarkable Chapter In the Bible
Largely regarded as the most remarkable chapter in the Bible, Daniel chapter 11 spends 45 verses outlining the specific details of the upcoming wars and battles that are going to take place in ancient Mesopotamia over the course of the next 200 years following Daniel's life.
Judgement Day and What Daniel Reveals
It is common to want His return to be postponed so we can do all we want to do on this earth, but let's remind ourselves that his return will result in no sin, tears, shame, sorrow, or death.
The Danger With the Label "Pride"
The issue lies in our society’s obsession with pride—it has no place in God’s kingdom.
The Problem With Pride
Regardless of society's attempts to glorify pride, we must remember its true nature. Pride is a sin, and it can lead to our destruction.
Faith During the Fire
But the pinnacle of faith is standing before the Lord, presenting our wants and needs, and simultaneously acknowledging, 'but if not, I will gladly receive whatever it is you see fit.'
Understanding Kingdom Attributes in a Secular World
Within the understanding of the Kingdom of God, we must stop worrying about how weak or worldly the church is and remember that not every institution with the name ‘church’ is a part of the kingdom.
The Spirit of Babylon and How It’s Affecting Generations
Throughout the Bible, Babylon becomes a stereotype or an illustration of someone or something that carries a spirit against God and his people.
Should You Get Baptized as a Believer?
So if you’re asking yourself if you should get baptized, remember it is a calling God places on all of his people. If you identify as a follower of Christ, baptism is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your allegiance.
How to Stand Firm in Faith Amidst the Storm
To stand does not mean we are to throw punches at the Devil—it's not about physical confrontation but about our spiritual posture.
Where Did the Word “Christianity” Come From?
The label ‘Christian’ is commonly used as a way to self-identify as a follower of Jesus.
Why Do We Celebrate Easter?
When sin and death have no power over you, you rise. That is why we celebrate Easter—Jesus was able to defeat sin and death and in turn, rise.
The Slippery Slope of Taking Advantage of God's Grace
It is a gift of God, not a result of work; we were dead in our sins and had no power to overcome them.
What is the Purpose of Fasting?
Fasting weakens the flesh, but something also happens when it is weak: it fuels the power of the spirit among God’s people.
Fasting: The Battle Between Spirit and Flesh
With fasting comes tranquility, bravery, or wisdom, but the ultimate goal of fasting is to get in touch with our hunger for God. This is taught to us repeatedly throughout the Bible, directly and indirectly.
Secular Fasting or Theological Feasting
It is written that fasting amongst followers of Jesus was as regular as many people’s morning cup of Joe, so what has happened in the better part of 2000 years that caused this practice to become taboo?
Breaking Down the Big Question: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
In times like these, faith is tested, and the age-old question, “If God is real why do bad things happen to good people?” comes to the forefront of our minds.
Temporal vs. Eternal Mindset: What Are You Choosing?
To accomplish those teachings, we must first change our perspective from a worldly one to one of eternal life.
The Transformation In the Pursuit of God
Sermon 2/11/24
This selfless act referenced in the gospel by the sinless Messiah extends his innocence to us.
Unveiling the Heart of the Good News in the Gospel
Sermon 2/04/24
But here is the thing—we will never be able to embrace the gospel’s good news if we are not honest about the bad news.